You can copy to clipboard 1 component only=┬ ß≤⌠⌠σ≡ ∞εµφε Ωε∩Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ≥εδⁿΩε 1 Ωε∞∩εφσφ≥!
New page=═εΓα ±≥≡αφΦ÷α
Current page=╥σΩ≤∙α ±≥≡αφΦ÷α
Project must have even 1 page!=╒ε≥ ß√ εΣφα ±≥≡αφΦ÷α Σεδµφα ∩≡Φ±≤≥±≥ΓεΓα≥ⁿ.
Delete page with all components?=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ±≥≡αφΦ÷≤ ±ε Γ±σ∞ ±εΣσ≡µΦ∞√∞?
This is the last page. Create new?=▌≥ε ∩ε±δσΣφ ±≥≡αφΦ÷α. ╤ετΣα≥ⁿ φεΓ≤■?
Page properties=╤ΓεΘ±≥Γα ±≥≡αφΦ÷√
Project is executed now. Please, close it before compiling.=╧≡εσΩ≥ ≤µσ τα∩≤∙σφ.
Incorrect parameter=═σ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√Θ ∩α≡α∞σ≥≡.
Current project has been changed. Save chages?=╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ Φτ∞σφσφΦ Γ ∩≡εσΩ≥σ?
Go to page=╧σ≡σΘ≥Φ φα ±≥≡αφΦ÷≤
Page is not found=╤≥≡αφΦ÷α φσ φαΘΣσφα
Opening a file=╬≥Ω≡√≥Φσ ⌠αΘδα
is already installed!=≤µσ ≤±≥αφεΓδσφ!
Please, copy your files into \Files directory before selecting.=╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ∩σ≡σΣ ≥σ∞ ΩαΩ Γ√ß≡α≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ, ±Ωε∩Φ≡≤Θ≥σ σπε Γ ∩εΣΣΦ≡σΩ≥ε≡Φ■ \Files.
Please, copy your folders into \Files directory before selecting.=╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ∩σ≡σΣ ≥σ∞ ΩαΩ Γ√ß≡α≥ⁿ Ωα≥αδεπ, ±Ωε∩Φ≡≤Θ≥σ σπε Γ ∩εΣΣΦ≡σΩ≥ε≡Φ■ \Files.
Please, copy your Web-pages into \HTML directory before selecting.=╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ∩σ≡σΣ ≥σ∞ ΩαΩ Γ√ß≡α≥ⁿ Web-±≥≡αφΦ÷≤, ±Ωε∩Φ≡≤Θ≥σ σπε Γ ∩εΣΣΦ≡σΩ≥ε≡Φ■ \HTML.
Page is already exists. Rename it into=╤≥≡αφΦ÷α ≤µσ ±≤∙σ±≥Γε≤σ≥. ╧σ≡σΦ∞σφεΓα≥ⁿ σ╕ Γ
Show picture=╬≥εß≡αµα≥ⁿ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩ≤
Project is already exists in this directory. Please, choose new name of project or directory.=┬ ΣαφφεΘ ΣΦ≡σΩ≥ε≡ΦΦ ∩≡εσΩ≥ ≤µσ ±≤∙σ±≥Γ≤σ≥. ┬√ßσ≡Φ≥σ φεΓεσ Φ∞ ∩≡εσΩ≥α ΦδΦ Σ≡≤π≤■ ΣΦ≡σΩ≥ε≡Φ■.
; Additions to version 3.6=
Please, put the blank CD-R or CD-RW into the drive.=╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, Γ±≥αΓⁿ≥σ ∩≤±≥εΘ CD-R ΦδΦ CD-RW Γ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ.